Here are a few more... As you can see from the last picture, the Easter Bunny is being watched from afar. And the smiling pictures are because the neighbor's dog was out and Kylie was looking at it, not me and the camera.
This year we didn't get an Easter Bunny Picture as both Kylie and Audrey didn't care for him. On Sunday, the girls did like picking up Easter Eggs in the back yard. And both were in awe when the bubble machine came out!
On our way to Austin, we stopped through Brenham to see some bluebonnets and get a picture. She was not having it, but we managed to get 1 shot that we liked and a few others that grow on you.
We went to the Sugar Land Easter Egg Hunt this year. It was the first time she was able to run and collect the eggs. She picked up her 6 quickly and wouldn't let the bag go after that.