Sunday, October 26, 2008

Visiting Cousin Audrey

The trip to Austin to meet Audrey has been great. She always has the best toys to play with.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Almost Halloween

And here is the winner. Although it took 3 weeks and 3 different photo sessions, we finally caught the perfect smile in her cat suit.

Chillin' in her bouncer chair. Luckie came over to check things out.

We tried to get a picture with blocks like cousin Audrey. She found them too interesting though, so we'll try again later.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Lizard

So many toys to choose from. This one seems to be the favorite for now and always gets a smile and cooing

Let's Go Shopping

One of Kylie's favorite things to do is go shopping. The funniest part of the trip is always looking down and seeing both thumbs in her mouth. On our last trip to Target, I couldn't resist trying on a little ghost hat and then we finally caught our first good smile on the cell phone camera.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What About Pears?

We tried pears today and although it wasn't as bad as the carrots, you can see that the end result was the same. Oh well... We still got a few smiles afterwards.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What a Cute Cat!

We dressed up to practice our posing for Halloween.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

You Want Me To Eat What?

We went for Kylie's 4 month doctor's appointment. She measures in at 24 1/4 inches tall and 14 lbs 2 oz now. She got 3 shots and then we went shopping for baby food. We started off with carrots, and by her expressions you can tell whether she liked them or not. haha

Tuesday, October 7, 2008